June 5th is World Environment Day!
World Environment Day is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment.
Join us for our free World Environment Day webinar! There’s some amazing data being captured on Australia’s environment, and being aware of it can be the catalyst for organisations to understand where opportunities lie to help protect our environment.
5th June 2020
12:00pm – 12:45pm AEST
Dr Beryl Morris (TERN)
Jason Carr (Arup)
Beryl will be discussing environmental impact cases from different areas and how they integrate with the missions of the International accords such as the Paris Climate Agreement and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The environment doesn’t know borders so Beryl will give insights into why we need to consider things from a global perspective – how the land impacts the ocean and vice versa; and how we can start data collection at a local level and roll it up to make a massive global impact.
Jason will be sharing how to use data to navigate opportunities for a green recovery in a post COVID-19 world. Australia has gone through so much in the last year. Droughts, fires, floods and now COVID-19. Jason will reflect on his learnings on how to be prepared to support these events and reflect on how to set a long-term vision and agenda for corporations to measure their impact on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Register below to receive the link to join the webinar:
This webinar has already been. View our Events page to view a recording of our past webinars.