by GovTech Review
A partnership between data consultancy company eliiza and not-for-profit service provider Data4Good has assisted Variety – the Children’s Charity to monitor funding allocation with a view to identifying emerging trends or areas that require attention.
Variety supports kids living with disability, disadvantage or illness. In particular, the organisation provides grants that fill funding gaps, enabling kids to gain mobility, communicate, achieve independence, get out into the community and increase self-esteem.
Data4Good and expert data analyst volunteers from eliiza partnered with Variety Victoria to increase insight on grant distribution. The project analysed Variety’s grant programs to individual children over the past seven years, highlighting areas in need of increased focus and ensuring there was no hidden bias in the allocation process. The project incorporated data enablement, exploratory data analysis, overlaying population data, developing visualisations including maps, writing a summary report, and building interactive dashboards to enable continued insights and a data-conscious approach to granting.